09-12-22 - Lorinda Evans - 6 lies - Nursing Assistant Lorinda Evans could have typed the truth, or nothing. Instead she told five lies in three minutes. It was her choice to put lies in my medical record. Why did she do this to me? Lying Lorinda has proven, she should be banned from the healthcare industry for life. Lying Lorinda... you can't be trusted. You earned a t-shirt today. I suspect you earn a t-shirt every time you open a patient's medical record. Lie #1: "Temperature 98.6 F" She did not take my temperature. She made up a temperature and entered it into the vitals section of my medical record. Lie #2: "Would you like to discuss your stress level with your provider today? No" She did not ask this question Lie #3 location of pain: "Location: Neck, Abdomen, Arms, Legs" This is not the answer she was given. The actual dialog... Lorinda: "And the pains that you're having. Where are you having them at?" Patient: "It's muscular, all over the place and a little bit in my spine." Lie #4: She did not ask this question. "What # best describes the pain on average in the past week? (0 = no pain and 10 = pain as bad as the patient can image) Level(select only ONE number): 5" Lie #5: She did not ask this question. "What number best describes how, during the past week, pain has interfered with the patient's general activity? (0 = does not interfere and 10 = completely interferes) Level(select only ONE number): 5" Lie #6: She did not ask this question. "What # best describes how, during the past week, pain has interfered with the patient's enjoyment of life? (0 = does not interfere and 10 = completely interferes) Level(select only ONE number): 5" Also... Oh boy! She put more in my record. It's not lies, just utterly STOOPID! Including answers for these questions would have been a lie because she didn't ask the questions. It's so good of her not to lie. I should be appreciative, right? Nope. Seven years of VA liars polluting my medical record is far too much. I'm not putting up with it anymore. "Physical Activity: 1. On average, how many days per week do you engage in at least moderate (brisk walk or greater) excercise? 2. On average, how many minutes per session?" She didn't ask these questions and didn't put lies for answers. Why did she put them in my record at all? Here you'll see the actual lies in my medical record, written by this liar. This information is taken directly from the VA computer system. Video proves her lies. This person should not be employed in healthcare. "Banned for life" is the proper disciplinary action for blatant betrayal.